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E-book: Harmonize relationships by softly discovering yourself
  • E-book: Harmonize relationships by softly discovering yourself

    € 11,00Price
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    This transformative book offers a well-rounded approach to personal growth, wealth and well-being. Grounded in simplicity, it introduces quick and effective exercises based on individual's feelings and preferences. By following the guidelines, readers undergo a positive mental shift, mastering empowering beliefs and conditioning. Reprogramming mindset to align with the heart not only enhances personal fulfillment but also improves relationships and creates positive ripple effects on other aspects of life. It is a comprehensive guide for those seeking simplicity, ease, lightness, happiness and success in various spheres of their development. 

    The effectiveness of the transformative method largely depends on the reader's willingness and commitment to apply the knowledge and strategies within it. While the book can provide valuable insights and guidance, it's ultimately up to the individual to take action and make use of the information presented.

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